Occasionally when you are researching one thing, you come across something or someone you didn't expect. I am still trying to pin down how I am related to the huge group of Mormon matches I wrote about in Week 23. (https://rootsshootsandstories.blogspot.com/2023/06/week-23-so-many-descendants.html). I know they are connected to my maternal side and, with that in mind, I was reviewing the DNA matches of my maternal first cousin, Karen. Karen's dad David was my mum's brother. Looking through her paternal matches, I hoped to find someone who might link to research I had already done on my matches. So... imagine my surprise when I saw a name I recognised! The name of this match was familiar to me, not because I had come across it in my own list of matches, but because it was the name of someone I personally know, a lady named Tracey. I know her because I was her French teacher and years later we became teaching colleagues!! So, now I have another puzzle to research - finding ...
My ancestors, their stories and my genealogical journey