Looking at my own family tree, I can find multiple ancestors who lost one or more children at a young age. That was obviously the norm in past centuries, but despite it being a common occurrence, I expect the parents' grief would have been just as deep. My paternal grandparents lost their first three children - John at age 8 from 'Convulsions due to congestion of the brain' ( nowadays this would be a seizure/stroke), Jeannie at 8 months from 'enteritis' and George at age 1 from measles, while my maternal grandparents lost a son James aged 1, from heart failure. My great great grandmother Mary Boag died from complications of childbirth, leaving three children under the age of 10 - the new baby son dying one day before she did. Again this was not unusual. When I compare the ages of deaths of my direct ancestors, I think I am remarkably lucky. The graphic above is from www.dnapainter.com where their ancestral tree feature allows you to make age at death comparisons. T...
My ancestors, their stories and my genealogical journey