As a woman, the onset of baldness is something I won't have to deal with. The men in my family haven't been as fortunate.
Being a 'late' baby, (my dad was 43 when I was born) I never knew my dad when he had a full head of hair. In fact, as far as I was concerned, he always had grey hair.

My dad and me (2 years old)
He must have started going bald in his 20s as his wedding photo below in 1940 shows. Beside him is his brother, George, who, at four years older than him, is also starting to lose his hair.
George is also showing the same balding pattern, receding from the sides, then the centre. This pattern was also shared by his older brothers, Jim and Will, so I'd surmise this is the family balding pattern.
Jim and his wife Agnes, Will and his wife Inez
The genetics of balding is very complex. However, research suggests that the X chromosome plays an important part. Given that a male only has one X chromosome and that he inherits it from his mother has led to the idea that a man's baldness pattern comes from his mother's side of the family, in my dad's case, the Walkers. Another Walker descendant, my dad's first cousin once removed also seems to be part of the gang!
My dad, Jimmy Connor and his wife.
However, there do seem to be other factors at play, so you might not necessarily turn out to look like the males in your mother's side of the family - which is probably good news for my son!!! :)
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